Job Needed

I have gotten a new job

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: rose82 Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2023-06-13 08:42

Question: Hi Da Boss, I have gotten a new job as you stated in your last reading as well it is the best paying job I have ever gotten. It is in HR, however, it is only for 3 months contract. Will this one work out for me or what can I do? Thanks for all you do.

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, rose82!

You have a very slow, heavy planet traveling through your house of career, and this year and next year, it’s going to be at a very sensitive spot. And Spirit feels this job is not meant to be your long-term, permanent job. However, you are getting better. This planet will destroy things that aren’t working for you. But in the end, you will be at a better place. Spirit feels you won’t do anything wrong at this job. She can see that the company finds it to be cheaper to keep people on short contracts. So save as much money as you can, and keep circulating your resume.

BTW – Venus and Mercury retrogrades coming from July 21 through September 15. That will not be a good time to look for jobs.

Live! Love! Bark!

“The world has to change to fit you. And if you stick to your principles, values, and morals long enough, it will.” Berry Gordy

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2 thoughts on “I have gotten a new job

  • Silvia Rose says:

    Thanks Da Boss, I will definitely stay out of the retrograde period. I was hoping for better news, but, time is the master.

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