
justice for the abuse I endured

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: moonchild Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2023-05-21 18:58

Question: Will I ever have justice for the abuse I endured at the hands of a narcissist? It’s been years and I still have trauma and they have had zero consequences. Not to mention that people still believe all the lies they spread about me. I sometimes feel like I will never recover or feel like myself again.

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, moonchild!

Spirit feels that yes, what you went through was horrible. But you may want to consider some therapy or a support group to help you work through this. That nasty feeling inside of you about this is going to make you sick.

Spirit says your abuser will end up extremely paranoid it their old age, afraid that everyone is going to hurt them, afraid to go outside.

Work on healing you and trust the the Universe has a plan for that narcissist.

Live! Love! Bark!

Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. – Fake Buddha Quotes

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