Enhanced Member Question and Answer
From: deliap
Submitted: 2024-06-13 00:49
Question: Update on my job search ,received an email yesterday notifying me that my CV has been shortlisted for a potential interview at the REDACTED race course in their finance department,I filled in the form that they sent so please hold thumbs,just got one worrisome problem the struggle to put food on the table is still Soooo difficult will this ever end,I am hopeful that I find a job soon but you know I just wish the pressure of not having much can end now,a small relief will be so welcome,but I’m not complaining just wishing,thank you so much
Answer from da Boss:
Hi, deliap!
Spirit says, if you don’t get this job, it’s because the Universe has a better job in mind for you. Keep up the positive thinking and stop worrying. Good luck!
Live! Love! Bark!
Delia Philips says:
Good day Janet and Good news WHOOP WHOOP I’m starting Tuesday at a temp job just like u predicted,thank you so much…
Boss Biddy says:
Hooray! Hooray! Hope this temp job becomes permanent. 🤞