Enhanced Member Question and Answer
From: deliap
Submitted: 2023-12-06 13:39
Question: i am so heart broken as she seems to think she dont have a problem and judging by her appearance ,rotten teeth,stinky body she certainly has a big problem will dhe seek help as i have now thrown her out,but her 3 boys are still with me…please advise pleaseeeee
Answer from da Boss:
Hi, deliap!
When dealing with addicts, they have to hit bottom, before they’ll be ready to admit that they have a problem. So throwing her out is a good step to force her to hit bottom. Spirit wants to remind you that addiction is a lifelong disease. There are no quick fixes for her. And Spirit can se that she will have to do some more stupid things before she finally figures that out. Spirit say make sure all of your money and your valuables are secure. There is a good chance she is going to try to steal from you again.
You may want to consider some kind of support group for codependents. That will help you to learn to recognize your behavior that will enable her addiction.
Live! Love! Bark!
“Dear God, My desire, my priority is inner peace. I want the experience of love. I don’t know what would bring that to me. I leave the results of the situation in your hands. I trust your will. May your will be done. Amen” Marianne Williamson
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