
Now for something different Janet.

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: IbelongtoGod Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2023-03-18 06:21

Question: Now for something different Janet. My question this time is, My brother AJM unexpectedly died in a car crash, 2019. I am asking for clarification as to why? He apparently, at his Wake, I was told, A owned a lovely dog, had a good paying job, had good friends, and loved life. My question is still to this day, Why? I never really got to know how he died, accept that it was a car crash, which also took the life of his constant companion, his dog. Does AJM have anything to say through yourself Janet, or can you clarify the whole situation? As always, Please and Thank you Janet, from DEE.

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, IbelongtoGod!

Spirit can see that this truly was an accident. AJM was not feeling suicidal. And, of course, he was not ready to go. She can sense that he regrets having to leave his loved ones so soon.

Spirit says AJM is waiting for you in heaven. And he wants you to be grateful for what you have right now. He can see that your life is good. And you and he will be reunited when your time comes.

Live! Love! Bark!

“Learn to get in touch with silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from.” Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

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2 thoughts on “Now for something different Janet.

  • Wow, wasn’t expecting that answer, but I am very grateful you answered the way that you did. I’m glad AJM told me to be grateful for what I have now…..yes, that definitely rings a bell. And I will be more grateful for what I have now, rather than, think about more things…..Thanks Janet.

    • YW, Diane Egan. When I looked at his stars, it was obvious that a major accident would occur sometime in his lifetime. I sensed a very intelligent and optimistic man. I’m sorry you had to lose him so soon. ❤

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