Enhanced Member Question and Answer
From: 3loves
Submitted: 2024-10-31 04:30
Question: My dad gave my son a mower and an old golf cart. He’s now saying he didn’t give him these things. My son’s dad has put over 400 into the mower and I’m not sure how much into the golf cart. It was in bad shape. My uncle left a voicemail saying he wants to talk to me about my dad’s golf cart. I have text messages of him saying he gave these things to my son. Do you think he will report me to the cops telling them I stole from him. He’s reached an all new low accusing me of stealing. I don’t ever want to see him or hear from him again.
Answer from da Boss:
Hi, 3loves!
Spirit feels the police will not get involved in a family dispute. They will tell your father to take you to small claims court to settle it. But Spirit is certain that he will make sure that you hear from him again. He’s not that easy to get rid of.
Live! Love! Bark!
When Bad Things Happen to Good People – Harold S. Kushner
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3loves says:
Thank you Boss. Things are starting to get better for me and my family. I hope he doesn’t give me any trouble.
Boss Biddy says:
YW, 3loves! As long as your father is alive and alert, he will continue to give you trouble. So be ready for it. 😲