Life Path

the universe is guiding me on a specific path

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: Starlord Enhanced Member

Question: Sometimes I feel like the universe is guiding me on a specific path and not letting people that would interfere with that path get too close to me. When should I expect to have a girlfriend and what should I be on the lookout for?

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, Starlord!

You were born with Venus, the ruler of love, at an exact conjunction with your descendant, your power point for marriage and partnerships. And Venus is presently approaching her annual conjunction with your natal Venus, which will happen on September 16th. Then there will be a Super Full Moon lunar eclipse on September 17th. The eclipse will not directly aspect anything in your natal chart, but still it’s a lot of celestial energy. So it’s possible you will meet a girlfriend within the next week or so. However, Spirit feels you will be waiting much longer, like a year or more, before your next long-term, committed relationship. Good luck!

Live! Love! Bark!

“If we are good at waiting, we discover that what we wanted of the future, in our impatience, is no longer what we want, that waiting has brought wisdom.” Dean Koontz

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