
Found out he’s a tattoo artist

Sweepstakes Winner

Psychic Bytch Sweepstakes Winner

From: queenbitch86
Submitted: 2024-08-30 23:57

Question: Found out he’s a tattoo artist with his own studio. He gave me many free tattoos and we flirted and talked almost daily for 3 years. Now he has blocked me and I don’t know why. Was I just to pass his time or did he actually feel something for me? I thought he actually liked me.

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, queenbitch86! Congrats on winning our sweepstakes!

My Spirit guide can sense that he felt that he gave you too many free tattoos in the past. And there is a new woman in his life. Those were 2 very good reasons for him to block you. Had you been a paying customer, you would probably not be blocked. But his new girlfriend won’t tolerate him associating with someone who wasn’t even a customer. So sorry.

You added a lot of text in the 2nd person’s private info field. And I cannot discuss that info here in a public forum. Please consider booking a private reading with me, so we can discuss this and everything else privately. Email Readings Starting at Only $5 for Members.

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“Changes (in life) are not only possible and predictable but to deny them is to be an accomplice to one’s own unnecessary vegetation.” Gail Sheehy

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