
If ever the unexpected happens

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: Ipf Enhanced Member

Question: Hi, I’m sorry but this is just a follow up regarding my previous question. If ever the unexpected happens and that something out of my control prevents me from getting my job regularization from Telus, will the Jupiter’s transit ve able to help me find a new or even better job until December? Thank you

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, Ipf!

Jupiter’s transits can be more fleeting than the rest of the planets outside the asteroid belt. For example, today Jupiter is holding a trine with your natal Sun and a trine with your natal Mars creating a grand trine in your chart. But that aspect will be history by next week. And Jupiter will be in retrograde from October 9 through February 4. So his energy will not be as strong then. Also Jupiter will leave your second house during his retrograde and return to your 1st house, which will change Jupiter’s focus. And planets have more influence in our charts when they are aspecting one or more natal planets. And your only natal planet that will be aspected during Jupiter’s retrograde are a repeat of the trine with your Sun and Mars. So I wouldn’t count on Jupiter.

Mercury will be in retrograde from Nov 25 through Dec 15, and you were born under a Mercury retrograde. So it’s possible that Mercury’s retrograde energy will aid in your hopes for a permanent job with Telus or a new job. And besides that, you are a smart guy with good references. So unless the economy crashes, your chances are good that you will continue to work.

Live! Love! Bark!

“I think these difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way and that so many things that one goes around worrying about are of no importance whatsoever.” Isak Dinesen

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2 thoughts on “If ever the unexpected happens

  • Thank you so much for your defailed knowledge and help, i think you’re right, November 27 will be my regularization with them and i really pray and hope for this, plus the company itself is at least more compassionate towards its agents who show dedication and our client is expanding with more plans. I’m very thankful for your time and patience 🙏

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