
I’ve put in effort to get along with my ex

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: 3loves Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2024-08-09 07:06

Question: Since last year I’ve put in effort to get along with my ex and communicate for our sons sake. He has a rental he is going to fix up for us to live in. He told me January he would do his best to start soon but it’s August and he hasn’t done much. I believe he is going to he’s just dragging his feet. We really need to move from where we are. Do you feel he will get it done soon?

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, 3loves!

Mercury retrograde is an excellent time to finish up projects, and you were born under a Mercury retrograde, so this is a very good time for him to follow through. However, looking at his stars, his mind may be focused on big dreams instead of what in needed now in real time.

And Spirit agrees. She feels he is much more interested in doing things that are fun and make him more money than following through with his commitment to his son. So sorry we didn’t have better news.

Live! Love! Bark!

Never underestimate the capacity of other people to let you down – Dexter

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