Bad Job

I was so happy finding this job

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: deliap Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2024-07-28 23:57

Question: I was so happy finding this job you know how I struggled financially, then last Friday I was called in for a council Ling session for a invoice I captured according to the newly appointed supervisor wrong however when she examined the invoice she saw that it was the company whom sent the incorrect invoice however instead of telling the head of the department that she over reacted she goes and shreds the document and tells me to forget about it no apologies,now I’m so unhappy and just hoping to finish my contract and get out of there,is there any hope of me finding something else when I’m done,and this is my third week there no training was given and I have to feel my way around ,please advise

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, deliap!

You were born with Jupiter (optimism) and Mercury (the mind) conjunct. And presently Jupiter is holding a trine (very positive angle) with your natal Jupiter and Mercury. So the stars are bringing you some extra luck. However, Mercury retrograde will begin in a few days (Aug 5 – 28) and you were not born under a Mercury retrograde. So it is not a good time for you to find a new job. Any job you apply for now will probably turn into something even worse than what you’re dealing with now.

Spirit says if you keep leaving jobs just because they are doing something that isn’t fair, you may as well just go into business for yourself (but not during a Mercury retrograde). Because corruption is common in corporations. The only thing you can do is stay low and avoid the fallout.

Jupiter will retrograde and then return to trine you natal Jupiter again next year. You may want to think about starting your own business then.

Live! Love! Bark!

“Conflict is the root of all evil, for being blind it does not see whom it attacks. Yet it always attacks the Son of God, and the Son of God is You.” A Course in Miracles

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