Enhanced Member Question and Answer
From: deliap
Submitted: 2024-04-15 08:43
Question: I am raising my 9 grandkids I thought by now they would have been moved out of my house ,I’m stuck with 14mouths to provide for with no cash and no one I can turn to cause everyone that cared for me has helped, my electricity is about to be turned off due to non payment, we are literally living off love and fresh air I thought by now I would have been employed I will do any kind of work ,I am sending out up to 10 applications a day ,my question when is this coming to a end or is this my destiny ,and everything I’m doing is for my grandkids ,they never asked to be in this situation, lastly I should thank you for being my shoulder to cry on, God bless you
Answer from da Boss:
Hi, deliap!
I know many women our age who never got to spend time with their grandchildren. Their children moved far away, and they only got to see the grandchildren occasionally. And now that the grandkids are adults, they never got to know grandma, so they don’t want much to do with her.
When you get so old that you can’t take care of yourself, your grandkids will be there to take care of you. THEY ARE A BLESSING GREATER THAN ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD.
Times are hard now, but Capricorns can climb mountains. You will get through this. Be grateful for what you have. I wish my grandkids were with me.
Live! Love! Bark!
“For you will believe in what you manifest, and as you look out so will you see in.” A Course in Miracles.
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