Job Needed

he will speak to some of his contacts

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: deliap Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2024-04-10 00:00

Question: Good day I sent my CV to my cousin who owns a successful import & export company. I told him of my troubles & he asked me to send my CV and he will speak to some of his contacts, do you see any success here, thank you so much

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, deliap!

Mercury is in retrograde, and you were not born under a Mercury retrograde (April 1 – 25). So any new projects you begin will probably backfire on you. Now is a time for resting and reflecting. If you were to get a call back on a job you applied for before Mercury retrograde began, then it could work out. But if your cousin gives you any new leads now, they are not likely to manifest.

Jupiter, the planet of opportunities, will come to a very positive aspect with your natal Venus (money) and your natal Sun (your character) during the last week of April and the first week of May. Hopefully Jupiter will give you the extra boost you need.

Live! Love! Bark!

“It is best to consult with your psychic before you act rather than after.” da Boss

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