Enhanced Member Question and Answer
From: 3loves
Submitted: 2024-04-06 02:38
Question: Trey is my landlord. When I moved into this house I mentioned to him I’m looking for homes to clean and he said he has plenty of homes that need to be cleaned before they’re rented. He asked me to get him some business cards. I took the cards to him and that was it. I never heard anything back. I’ve asked him since then but no reply. What do you think happened? This would’ve been the perfect job and income for me.
Answer from da Boss:
Hi, 3loves!
Sometimes you need to follow-up with a potential client, especially when you’re dealing with busy men. Mercury retrograde is an excellent time for follow-up, especially with you being a Mercury retrograde baby. Spirit says you need to follow-up with Trey, but you also need to work on getting the word out that you’re available. I know lots of working women who need someone to clean their houses. Spirit feels you may not get much work from Trey, if any. But once you get a cleaning business established, Trey and many other people will be interested in your service. Good-luck!
Live! Love! Bark!
If we are demoralized, sad and only complain, we’ll not solve our problems. If we only pray for a solution, we’ll not solve our problems. We need to face them, to deal with them without violence, but with confidence – and never give up. If you adopt a non-violent approach, but are also hesitant within, you’ll not succeed. You have to have confidence and keep up your efforts – in other words, never give up. – Dalai Lama
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3loves says:
Thank you Boss. It’s just confusing. He asked several times for me to bring cards by for him so he could give me some business. He’s a very nice guy. I was counting on that extra work. It’s like he was then he wasn’t..
Boss Biddy says:
YW, 3loves. People can be strange and it’s typical that they will let you down at times. That’s why it’s important to diversify, so you have other things to fall back on. Good-luck! 🍀