Black Man Young

grandson graduated 2 yrs ago

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: deliap Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2024-03-13 06:32

Question: My grandson graduated 2 yrs ago an is really struggling to find a job even though he does go for interviews and send his resumes to companies, is there anything out there for him, company s he been to is asking for experience which he is still trying to get if getting a chance ,please advice

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, deliap!

I wasn’t able to calculate your grandson’s complete chart, because you didn’t include the city and country he was born in. So if you want a follow-up reading, be sure to include that info. However, looking at his stars, I can see that he was born on the Full Moon, which tells me he can be rather impatient. But I can see that he has a knack for listening to and helping others.

Spirit says a job offer will come. He is young, strong, healthy, and a high school graduate. It won’t be long before a company will want him. 🙂

Live! Love! Bark!

If we are demoralized, sad and only complain, we’ll not solve our problems. If we only pray for a solution, we’ll not solve our problems. We need to face them, to deal with them without violence, but with confidence – and never give up. If you adopt a non-violent approach, but are also hesitant within, you’ll not succeed. You have to have confidence and keep up your efforts – in other words, never give up. – Dalai Lama

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