Job Needed

Will I get a job soon

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: Lika8666 Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2023-12-12 23:04

Question: I have been stressed and overwhelmed. I’m tired of my dad and girlfriend. Will I get a job soon so I can move out?

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, Lika8666!

I am very sorry for the delay in my answer. My health has slowed me down lately. I’m feeling better now, but it’s taking a lot of time to get caught-up again. Thanks for your patience.

Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunities, has been traveling through your house of career since last March. I am a bit surprised that you haven’t found a job already. But even Jupiter cannot fix a slow economy. Jupiter is in retrograde right now, but he will turn direct on Dec 30th. So it’s possible that you will have a job by next month. And it’s extremely likely that you will have a good job by April (in case you have to take a crap job, keep looking).

Spirit agrees. She sees employment and your whole life getting better in 2024.

Live! Love! Bark!

“The world has to change to fit you. And if you stick to your principles, values, and morals long enough, it will.” Berry Gordy

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