Psychic Bytch Free Psychic Reading
From: Smile1111
Submitted: 2023-10-17 23:19
Question: I am having relationship problems this year. Do you see this resolving or are the friendships over? I have never had this happen throughout the years and don’t know what to think about it. Please help me figure this out, thank you!!!
Answer from da Boss:
Hi, Smile1111! Welcome to Psychic Bytch!
You have 2 slow outer planets causing this problem. First, Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, is presently traveling through your 11th house of friends. Pluto loves to destroy anything that isn’t working for you. And that includes friends and loved ones who are taking advantage of you.
Second, Saturn, the drill sergeant of the zodiac, is transiting your 12th house of hidden enemies. Extremely negative people can come into your life now. They come to you for help, but the help never ends. And they don’t have to be new people in your life. They can be people you’ve known for years who suddenly changes. Saturn traveling here marks the end of a long cycle. Now is the time to cut your losses and clear the decks for action in the future.
You’ve got another year or two, then everything you’ve been working toward will come to fruition. But that will only happen if you take responsibility for “cleaning house” now.
If you would like me and Spirit to take a deeper look at your situation, please consider booking a private, follow-up reading with me. Email Readings Starting at Only $5 for Members.
Live! Love! Bark!
We have to learn to distinguish between an imperfect friend and a deadly enemy. — Bill Maher
Smile111 says:
Your answer was spot on, people take advantage of my good heart and there is no reciprication of any kind nor do they ever intend too. Clearing the decks for a better future! Have a great weekend and thank you for your answer!
Boss Biddy says:
YW, Smile111. Wishing you lots of luck and happiness.