Cute Dog

rescued a sweet little mini dachshund

Psychic Bytch Free Psychic Reading

Sweepstakes Winner

From: crystal524
Submitted: 2023-09-21 13:37

Question: Hello Boss! In June we rescued a sweet little mini dachshund. A mill mama very malnourished and dumped when she was no longer useful to them. She and I have bonded and I just love her so much! She’s doing well except in one area. She is so afraid of my husband! He is very patient and offers treats and pets. She will take treats but barks at him like crazy! He is the only one she reacts to that way. What is going on there? How can we make her understand she is safe and he is no threat? All we want is for her to be happy as she learns how to just be a dog. Thanks for any insight Spirit can offer.

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, crystal524! Congratulations on Winning our Sweepstakes this Week!

Spirit can see that your dog thinks like a dog, not a human. Dogs live in the now. The abuse she suffered is in her past. Spirit says your little dog is claiming you as HER HUMAN! Sprit can see that she is not afraid of your husband, she is challenging him to stay away from HER human.

Spirit says you need to become the alpha of your pack and treat her like your child. If your child is smarting off to their father, what do you say? Spirit says you will have to tell her a number of times to reinforce your wishes, but eventually she will accept that you are the alpha and do what you wish.

If you would like me and Spirit to take a deeper look at your situation, please consider booking a private, follow-up reading with me. Email Readings Starting at Only $5 for Members.

Book a Reading with da Boss

Live! Love! Bark!

“Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.” Barbara Kingsolver

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