
I want to know the truth about where he was

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: jennigh31 Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2023-04-21 01:27

Question: I want to know the truth about where he was who he was with and what he did during the 128 hours. The story changes and he says he can’t remember anything but he was clear minded enough to turn off his location and block my phone number during that time but his “aunt” slipped up and said she had went to the casino which is next state over and he says he can’t remember if he went or not but that was just one part of the 128 hours he was gone from home.

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, jennigh31!

Spirit says the man is a liar and a fool, and knowing all the details of this antics will not change anything. Spirit can see that he’s blowing smoke up your skirt, and you can not believe ANYTHING he says. You can’t change him, and you deserve to be treated much better.

Spirit can see two better men in your future. But you won’t meet them unless you dump that chump.

Live! Love! Bark!

“Don’t forget, we’re all here to learn to overcome negativity — not to accept it, embrace it, invite it into our homes and cook dinner for it” Sylvia Browne

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