Enhanced Member Question and Answer
From: IbelongtoGod
Submitted: 2023-04-07 02:30
Question: Greetings and salutations Janet. Hope the Easter Bunny was good to you this year, 2023. Just wanted to know something about the relationship between Mum and I. What I need to know, is there anything at all, stopping my Mum having a closer tie to me? Another way of looking at my question…..What exactly is going on with my Mum at the moment? Please and Thank you Janet, from DE.
Answer from da Boss:
Hi, IbelongtoGod!
I wish the Easter Bunny could have left me more eggs. But we have an egg shortage happening here in the us! 🐰
Spirit feels your Mum may be dealing with health problems. I’m not qualified to tell you what those problems are, but you may want to talk to her doctor. Spirit says, once she’s feeling better, you and she may become closer.
Live! Love! Bark!
“Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.” Barbara Kingsolver
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Diane Egan says:
Thanks Janet. Mum actually has a skin cancer on her scalp. The skin cancer has been through the biopsy stage, and will be removed/cut out this coming Wednesday I believe, so yeah…spot on. I’m glad to hear my Mum might become closer after this medical procedure. Blessings back at cha. From Diane.
Boss Biddy says:
YW, Diane! It’s Wednesday in Australia right now. So I hope her procedure goes (went) well. The moon is in Capricorn. That should help to keep things stable and efficient.