Enhanced Member Question and Answer
From: Lila
Submitted: 2023-03-09 12:51
Question: What does spirit think about me engaging with this teacher?
Answer from da Boss:
Hi, Lila!
Spirit says wait! She feels this person charges way too much for their services. She feels there is a teacher just as good in your future for an extremely lower price.
Mars will cross over your mid-heaven and begin a 2 month journey in your house of career on March 30th. Mars will also cross over your natal Venus, lover of all things beautiful, on May 5th giving your career goals a boost.
Live! Love! Bark!
“The world has to change to fit you. And if you stick to your principles, values, and morals long enough, it will.” Berry Gordy
Enhanced members can get a full, private email reading with me for only $12 or a 30 minute phone reading for $50.
Lila says:
Wow this gives humph to my learning and achieving journey🥳
Many thanks for answering my question Boss, a beautiful Sunday to you!
Boss Biddy says:
YW, Lila! I did not mean to encourage doubt about your whole learning journey, only the specific teacher you were asking about. There are teachers just as good and maybe even better who don’t charge nearly so much. Just because something costs more doesn’t always mean it’s better. 🤔