Psychic Bytch Free Psychic Reading Contest Winner
Question Submitted After February 13th
From: john
Submitted: 2023-02-14 19:36
Question: I want to know why do I have so many obstacles when it come to seeking relationship and making female friend in general. I never have chance to have any girlfriend. even female friends in general are hard to get and almost impossible to keep for more than half year. some of them began to avoid me or went away from me only two weeks after we met each other. did all of those girls avoid me for a same reason, or did they have different reasons to avoid me? is it possible that if I already met someone who have good feeling for me, but she was just too shy, and I unintentionally rejected her without acknowledge it?
Answer from da Boss:
Hi, john!
Spirit can sense that there is a saboteur deep in your personality. Deep in your subconscious you believe you are not worthy of a girlfriend. You might want to try some therapy or even hypno-therapy to help you reverse this trend. Stay away from spell workers. They will promise more than they can deliver.
Live! Love! Bark!
“Desire is a tremendous force, and must be directed in the right channels, or chaos ensues.” Florence Scovel Shinn
Hi, john!
john says:
thanks for the answer,
I met a psychologist regularly last year, but he already retired. I am waiting for a new one, who can speak Chinese.
Boss Biddy says:
YW, john! I will keep you in my prayers. 🤗