Bad Job

I have walked off my job

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: rose82 Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2023-02-21 14:16

Question: I have walked off my job as I was frustrated with the changes. I am seeking other employment. I am worried about when I will get another job and how soon it will be? You warned me in my horoscope about my career this year and I didn’t take heed.

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, rose82!

Pluto, the ruler of nuclear weapons, will be holding a conjunction with your natal Mars, governor of anger, in your 10th house of career throughout 2023 and into 2024. Your frustration at work is understandable. And this change will end up being a good thing in the long-run.

Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunities, will enter your 1st house of yourself on March 30th, and he will be there for about 12 months. So there should be a lot of job opportunities this year. Venus, the ruler of beauty, will also enter your 1st house on March 7th, and she will spend about a month there. That should make you and your resume look really good. So hopefully, you won’t have to wait too long before than next job arrives.

Live! Love! Bark!

“The world has to change to fit you. And if you stick to your principles, values, and morals long enough, it will.” Berry Gordy

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