Enhanced Member Question and Answer
From: sassykat801
Submitted: 2023-01-14 09:57
Question: Hi there
Is this the person that’s going to work out for me and eventually lead to a marriage? He’s a good person, secure, caring and he makes me laugh. I think of him often. We have some differences but we can get around them I think. Thoughts? Thank you!
Answer from da Boss:
Hi, sassykat801!
When I compare your stars to his I see some conflicts. But you two are old enough to get past that most of that. However, I’m not sure this is the right time for a long-term relationship. Dear Neptune, the planet of delusions, is traveling through your 7th house of marriage and partnerships.
The best thing for this relationship is take your time. Neptune will spend all of 2023 crossing over your natal Moon. Neptune has a tendency to make things look better than they actually are. DO NOT get married or begin any major commitments (like buying a house together) until next year.
So take off your Duff Beer Goggles and take your time.
Live! Love! Bark!
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Victoria says:
Bahaha. Love the Duff reference. I am familiar with him. He’s an ex from 20 years ago. I intend to go slow. There are things I need to do first. Thank you for answering. 😊
Boss Biddy says:
YW, Victoria! Wishing you lots of love and happiness.