
the feeling that my husband is cheating

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: ngxingxizanele Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2023-01-10 09:39

Question: Good day. Compliments of the new year.
I cannot shake the feeling that my husband is cheating on me. The reason for this his been so adament that I’m cheating and somehow I feel he is projecting what he is doing on me. I want to go as far as getting evidence because I will not stay if I find out he is actually cheating. I’m in talks with private investigators however they are pricey so I need to be sure before I can proceed.
Can spirit see if he is cheating on me?

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, ngxingxizanele!

Spirit can see that he’s been lying to you since he met you. He’s afraid of saying the wrong thing, so he tells you what he thinks you want to hear.

Looking at his stars, I can see that his sexual desires are tremendous. And he has a tendency to fall in love with someone new every other week.

Looking at your stars, Neptune has been traveling though your house of partnerships since 2016. This has a tendency to make relationships look better than they really are. Our present Mercury retrograde opposed your natal Mars and Mercury. Since you are a Mercury retrograde baby, it probably helped you to see the reality of your relationship.

Spirit wants to know if you’ve told him about your suspicions. Because she sees him trying to make amends. Sexual addiction is a disease, not a sin. However, if he doesn’t do something to get help (because he can’t fix this all by himself), there is nothing you can do.

Live! Love! Bark!

“The student continued, ‘How long must one remain in the dark’ and I replied, ‘until one can see in the dark,…'” Florence Scovel Shinn

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