Tag: Enhanced Member

Enhanced member reading. Done in 1 to 3 days after submission.

Lost Love

Does my ex still likes me

Enhanced Member Question and Answer From: Diamond Submitted: 2023-05-28 07:47 Question: Does my ex still likes me? Answer from da Boss: Hi, Diamond! Spirit can see that he doesn’t hate you. And…

Mother and Son

My Son moved to south carolina

Enhanced Member Question and Answer From: Stinkerbell704 Submitted: 2023-05-24 18:46 Question: My Son moved to south carolina a yr ago with girl he met.got a job on a casino boat.Was called asking…

Lost Love

why did jerry break up with me

Enhanced Member Question and Answer From: Teebag Submitted: 2023-05-24 14:34 Question: why did jerry break up with me? Answer from da Boss: Hi, Teebag! Welcome to Psychic Bytch! I am sorry, but…


I failed a course

Enhanced Member Question and Answer From: Diamond Submitted: 2023-05-24 14:18 Question: Hello boss. I finished my finals and I found out I failed a course. I approached him to help but he…

Mother and Child

weird dream about my mother

Enhanced Member Question and Answer From: ngxingxizanele Submitted: 2023-05-24 06:30 Question: Good day, hope you are doing well. I had this weird dream about my mother coming into my house with a…

Looking for Love

Who I’m going to be with

Enhanced Member Question and Answer From: joelm450 Submitted: 2023-05-18 00:14 Question: Who I’m going to be with Answer from da Boss: Hi, joelm450! I really can’t do much with your astrology chart….