if I have any English royal blood
Psychic Bytch Sweepstakes Winner From: janicesemails Submitted: 2024-05-13 17:55 Question: I want to know if I have any English royal blood as Princess Diana visited me the evening she died. Answer from…
Psychic Bytch Sweepstakes Winner From: janicesemails Submitted: 2024-05-13 17:55 Question: I want to know if I have any English royal blood as Princess Diana visited me the evening she died. Answer from…
Enhanced Member Question and Answer From: Starlord Submitted: 2024-05-18 17:59 Question: I recently started talking to her again and we went out yesterday. Will I have an opportunity for something more with…
Psychic Bytch Free Psychic Reading From: tangerinedream Submitted: 2024-05-14 17:31 Question: Hello. I would like to know what you see for my current relationship? Are our feelings mutual? I feel like this…
Enhanced Member Question and Answer From: sassykat801 Submitted: 2024-05-13 15:02 Question: Hiya! Maybe a strange question, is my soul a newer soul or intermediate? Have I progressed through lifetimes? Just curious, I’ve…
Enhanced Member Question and Answer From: Ipf Submitted: 2024-05-13 11:21 Question: Hi, how are you, I hope you’re doing well. I applied to two programs, but which will I get in to,…
Enhanced Member Question and Answer From: 3loves Submitted: 2024-05-09 17:09 Question: She’s a friend I grew up with. She’s the same age as me but has a lot of health problems. She…
Enhanced Member Question and Answer From: sassykat801 Submitted: 2024-05-09 15:15 Question: Hi! What is sneaky up to? Is she going to sell and move? Is she even there? What happened to those…
Enhanced Member Question and Answer From: sassykat801 Submitted: 2024-05-09 15:10 Question: Hi there! Ok, so a cardinal has landed on my patio around the same time every morning around the same time…
Psychic Bytch Sweepstakes Winner From: YvonneNPete Submitted: 2024-05-03 02:21 Question: Did my husband emotionally or physically been unfaithful through the 38 years together, especially the last 10? He might of tried to…
Enhanced Member Question and Answer From: Starlord Submitted: 2024-05-04 17:43 Question: Do I have a chance with her? I find her very attractive and I’ve seen her looking at me. If I…