Enhanced Member Question and Answer
From: sai
Submitted: 2024-01-22 13:10
Question: Is my son. My biological dad reincarnated? If not. Is there something my deceased dad needs to tell me besides that he loves me? I had such a detailed vivid intense dream about by deceased father. I don’t even want to believe reincarnation is real. But I am going to study now.
Answer from da Boss:
Hi, sai!
Reincarnation is one of those things that is difficult to “read” on, because there is no way to verify it. It’s one of those things you have to take in faith.
However, my Spirit guide says no, he is not your father reincarnated. It’s just than many of your father’s genes are dominate in him. So as he grows, you will probably notice more and more of your fathers features and behaviors in him. But that’s just one opinion.
Live! Love! Bark!
“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” Niels Bohr
Enhanced members can get a full, private email reading with me for only $12 or a 30 minute phone reading for $50.
I only have time to answer one question per reading. You are welcome to resubmit your question about any messages from your father.
Sai says:
Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Yes…he does have A LOT of my dad genes and behaviors already.
Boss Biddy says:
YW, Sai! You will see even more of your dad’s features and behaviors emerge in your son as he grows. 🙂