Bad Job

Why does my boss always treat me like crap

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: robinbyrd81 Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2023-12-19 10:54

Question: Why does my boss always treat me like crap? What does he have against me? I’ve worked for this man for a little over a year and he constantly belittles me, always tries to make me out to be some awful person. I have went above and beyond for that company and he never has anything positive to say. I don’t know what I’ve done for him to treat me like that. Please enlighten me what to do. I Have become so mentally exhausted trying to remain professional but I really want to walk out and tell him to shove that job up his ass but I don’t because I have financial obligations that prevent me from leaving hot headed. So I stick it out but there has to be something else out there for me, right?

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, robinbyrd81!

You were born with Neptune in your house of career. And wherever Neptune lands in one’s chart determines what area of their life will be the most difficult. So it’s natural for you to have problems managing your career.

Also, Spirit can see that your boss’ significant other (wife, girlfriend, mother, sister) is jealous as hell of you. And he compensates for her jealousy by belittling you.

Spirit says you can’t change him. The only thing you can change is your job (which might be a good idea).

Live! Love! Bark!

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