Family Broken

struggling with my whole family

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: deliap Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2023-11-22 01:37

Question: good day im very grateful for advise received however i still struggling with my whole family whom according to suffers from what i call entitlement syndrome ,i have been supporting the them for years and i noticed that when im in a in a rut no-one seems to be there to help me. i asked them to leave but no one seems to listen ,always accusing me of being selfish ,and yet everything i provide for them and the kids is not appreciated i am tired and really really want them all gone including my lazy husband who just refuses to work,will this all come to an end,as i am now unemployed and it seems they are all now looking forward to my last payout which i feel should tied me over till i find something else,please advise what lies ahead for me in the future,thanking you gratefully

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, deliap!

Looking at your stars, you were born with a special figure in your chart called a Yod, The Finger of God. This means you have a special destiny. And your Yod is pointing to your natal Saturn, the drill sergeant of the zodiac. And this tells me that you won’t fulfill your destiny until you learn to channel your inner drill sergeant.

Spirit say you are allowing your family to walk all over your boundaries, and they will continue to do it until you make them stop. Spirit says it’s time for some tough love. Get tough and kick them out. Once they’re out, show them love and help them get reestablished. Spirit says once you do this, you will find an inner peace and calm that you’ve never experienced before.

Live! Love! Bark!

“If my life resembles a garbage dump, it is up to me to sort it through, turn over the soil, and plant flowers to make use of all the natural fertilizer.” Anne Wilson Schaef

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