Psychic Bytch Free Psychic Reading
Sweepstakes Winner
From: janicesemails
Submitted: 2023-11-14 21:51
Question: I lost my job a few weeks ago and need work asap. The Department of Labor has to approve my resume so I can get hired to work as a case manager for those injured on the job. Have they reviewed my resume and will they approve my resume so I can work at what I am good at?
Answer from da Boss:
Hi, janicesemails! Congrats on winning our Sweepstakes!
I’m so sorry you lost your job. Looking at your stars, I don’t see any transiting planets that could help you except for Venus. Venus is a very fast planet, and You’ll only have about 5 weeks of her blessings. But that may be all you need.
Spirit is showing me the typical picture that comes along with many government institutions of “hurry-up and wait”. She sees no-news or bad-news and then a lot of confusion. But in the long run… she feels you will get the job.
If you would like me and Spirit to take a deeper look at your situation, please consider booking a private, follow-up reading with me. Email Readings Starting at Only $5 for Members.
Live! Love! Bark!
“Learn to get in touch with silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from.” Elizabeth Kubler-Ross