Bad Job

I am at this new job

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: rose82 Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2023-08-15 17:16

Question: I am at this new job, I am in my last month. However, I have found myself between a rock and a hard place. My direct supervisor, the HR director and the Executive director does not have a good working relationship. I like the director as we have the same point of view on how to get things done. The HR director has been moving very caged with me and only communicates using email (which I find petty). The Executive Director wish for me to stay on at the company, but, I am not sure I want to stay. Can spirit advise me on the best course of action to take?

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, rose82!

Mercury is beginning his retrograde in your house of day-to-day work. You were not born under a Mercury retrograde, so this is not a good time to make any changes. And Spirit agrees. She says holdfast. Spirit feels that after Mercury retrograde has ended, you will have a clearer picture of your situation. Then you will know what to do.

Live! Love! Bark!

“If Mercury were a living entity, it would probably be sitting in a corner laughing at the comedy of errors committed by we Earthlings, all because we fail to heed the loud, persistent messages Mercury has so consistently provided. ‘How many times,’ Mercury might say, ‘must you be told to stop, to rest your mind, to reflect and catch up?'” Joanne Wickenburg

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2 thoughts on “I am at this new job

  • YW, Silvia. You have the slowest planet in the zodiac, Pluto, traveling through your house of career. Pluto usually affects us at an unconscious level, unless he aspects one of our natal planets. And Pluto has been crossing over your natal Mars for the last year and a half. Pluto will begin moving away from your Mars in December, so your career prospects should improve in 2024. However, Pluto won’t completely leave your house of career until January 2031. So just blame Pluto for your job problems, and know that eventually he will move on.

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