Enhanced Member Question and Answer
From: Starlord
Submitted: 2023-07-20 23:06
Question: I recently got admitted into a Master’s degree program at a very good university. I don’t even have to travel. I know how my current employer works and I don’t think this educational opportunity will open many doors along the way in my current job, unless I decide to go for a management position in the future. I think that in order to succeed in my job I just have to keep doing well and eventually even better opportunities will arise. Am I wrong? Will pursuing this degree help significantly in my career?
Answer from da Boss:
Saturn, the planet of skill and mastery, came close to your Saturn return, but he turned retrograde on June 17th and is now backing away. Saturn will return to actually come to an exact conjunction with your natal Saturn (Saturn return) in February 2024. So you may choose to reconsider that Masters degree then.
Spirit can see that you may choose to let go of the masters degree presently. But she can also see that you may come to regret that choice in the future. There’s no sense trying to do something that you’re not ready for. Once the world hits you with another hard knock, then you’ll be ready.
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“… the goal was a mental flash, achieved somewhere below consciousness. In these ideal instants, one did not strain toward an answer as much as relax toward it.” Richard Feynman (Nobel Laureate, Physics)
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