Evil Woman

But she treated me very badly

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: Sony1 Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2023-06-11 16:40

Question: I had a friend in hostel named A. I don’t know her date of birth. But she treated me very badly yesterday for another of her friend. And I am in lots of pain for I trusted her to be my close friend. Seems like she didn’t think me to be her close friend. Actually her roommate S was not good to me. When I tried telling her that S was rude to me previously also on a friendship app, Ankita didn’t believe me and burst out on me taking S side. It hurt me for I was being truthful and since I don’t even have many friends . Will A ever feel sorry for treating me so bad. Will she approach me and say sorry. All I want is that she should realise that she was in wrong in treating me this way and should feel sorry for how she behaved

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, Sony1!

Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, is holding a minor aspect with your natal Mars. This can bring some sudden shifts in energy. And Spirit feels this shift in behavior from A will not change. Spirit does not see an apology coming. Spirit says you have better friends. Sorry you’re having to go though this.

Live! Love! Bark!

We have to learn to distinguish between an imperfect friend and a deadly enemy. — Bill Maher

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