
dated him a handful of times

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: sassykat801 Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2024-09-18 15:51

Question: Hi there, I’ve dated him a handful of times. We seem to have quite a few things in common. Not sure if I should watch my step and just enjoy the ride. Will this turn into something? Still miss my significant other, I will always miss him but trying to live life.

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, sassykat801!

As a rule there is attraction between Leo and Aquarius, but there is also friction. Aquarius’ tendency to analyze and criticize could threaten Leo’s confidence and deflate their ego. But he also has 3 planets in Virgo, and your rising sign is Virgo. I’m not sure of his Moon’s location. If he was born before 4 pm local time, his Moon is in Aries. After 4 pm puts his Moon in Taurus. An Aries Moon will compliment your Leo Sun. And a Taurus Moon will get along well with your Pisces Moon.

However, you two are mature enough to overlook and compromise about some of the rough spots in your relationship. And Spirit feels the relationship has potential. Good luck!

Live! Love! Bark!

“Thus does the Holy Spirit replace fear with love and translates error into truth.” A Course in Miracles

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