
we moved into our new house

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: ngxingxizanele Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2023-06-28 15:59

Question: On the 7th of June we moved into our new house, during the moving process it seems like I lot my wedding ring and my earphones. I remember well where I put them and how they might have been taken by the team assigned to move our furniture. Are my assumptions correct or the ring is still within the new house ? I strongly feel someone from the moving company stole my wedding ring and my earphones.

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, ngxingxizanele!

Your natal Moon is in Cancer. Everyone I know with a Cancer Moon is psychic. And Spirit feels your instincts are correct. She feels the person who took your earphones and wedding ring actually has a criminal record. Why would someone like that be allowed to handle people’s personal items?

So sorry.

Live! Love! Bark!

Never underestimate the capacity of other people to let you down – Dexter

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