Father and His Children

He is interested in me

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: rose82
Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2023-06-06 15:38

Question: Dear Da Boss, I am asking about the person in the second person. He is interested in me, however, I hVe some reservation. He has 4 children and I dont know if I can deal with the baggae. What spirit advise about this person?

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, rose82!

You put extra information about him in the 2nd person’s field. And that’s the info Spirit really wants to discuss with you. However, that field is a private field, so I can’t reveal that info. Rose, please book a private reading with me, so we can keep everything private. Because Spirit doesn’t feel that his children are the problem. Or better yet, upgrade to an Extended membership. Extended members get their readings in a private email.

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