
if we will ever be in a relationship

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: Blkqueenoftn Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2023-03-12 21:13

Question: I’d love to know if we will ever be in a relationship and get married? The reason I’m unsure of the birthday is because we went on one date, but then he drifted away from me. I fell in love as soon as I met him. He lost his mother a couple years ago and sometimes deals with mental health. Part of me thinks this may be a reason why he can’t open up for a relationship, but I’m not sure. I really miss him and wonder what the future will be between us. I sent him a message in social media a few days ago, but still haven’t heard back.

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, Blkqueenoftn!

Welcome to Psychic Bytch.

Cancer men are usually very attached to their mothers. And Spirit can sense that losing her was especially devastating. Spirit says he’s beginning to recover from her loss, but she will always linger in his heart. So it will be very important in the future for you to respect his feelings for his mother.

Yes, Spirit feels there is a strong potential that you will see him again in the future. The Cancer man wants what he can’t have. So it’s going to be especially important that you not contact him directly. You may want to friend one or two of his friends on social media, and let him see your conversations with them. And when he does eventually make contact and asks to see you again, make an excuse that you can’t grant his request, at least not right away. He needs that challenge, or he won’t want you.

However, looking at your stars, I’m not sure that you would be happy with a Cancer. Hopefully you will find out his birthdate in the future, and we can do a deeper compatibility check.

Live! Love! Bark!

“Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.” Mother Teresa

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