Psychic Bytch Free Psychic Reading Contest Winner
Question Submitted After March 8th
From: ipulchrasaluto
Submitted: 2023-03-09 22:53
Question: What is exactly going on between K and A? Has he been faithful to C? How soon until he gets rid of A?
Answer from da Boss:
Hi, ipulchrasaluto
I understand who K and A are. But who is C? You told me nothing about them in the private info.
Spirit says K is only faithful to K. K will eventually move away from A and C. If you would like me and Spirit to take a deeper look at your situation, please consider booking a private, follow-up reading with me. Email Readings Starting at Only $7 for Members.
Live! Love! Bark!
People who try to boss themselves always want (however kindly) to boss other people. They always think they know best and are so stern and resolute about it they are not very open to new and better ideas. — Brenda Ueland