Psychic Bytch Free Psychic Reading Contest Winner
Question Submitted After February 13th
From: Universe40
Submitted: 2023-02-18 11:21
Question: I have been stuck and al ost certain that someone has cursed me. I need to know if I write this book and the dangers it potentially may cause for me until I make it or it becomes successful …is me writing this book worth it?
Answer from da Boss:
Hi, Universe40!
Welcome to Psychic Bytch, and thank-you for your question.
We have an excellent article, Protect Yourself from Curses and Psychic Attack, to help you with any kind of curse you may be dealing with. However, as far as your book goes, Spirit’s not sure you will actually finish it. But that’s a matter of free will, and you can always prove me wrong. If you would like me and Spirit to take a deeper look at your situation, please consider booking a private, follow-up reading with me. Email Readings Starting at Only $7 for Members.
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“When nothing is sure, everything is possible” Margaret Drabble