what 2023 looks like for me

Psychic Bytch Free Psychic Reading Contest Winner

Question Submitted 5 to 7 Days Ago

Hippie Smiley AwardFrom: onesicone
Submitted: 2023-02-05 19:23

Question: Wanting to know what 2023 looks like for me? Thanks for your time and have a blessed day!

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, onesicone!

Welcome to Psychic Bytch, and thank-you for your question. Please forgive me for the delay answering your question. I’m still recovering from a pretty bad flu.

I don’t have time to cover your chart in a quick reading. However, Pluto crossing over your natal Mercury will probably bring new challenges. You may find yourself thinking very deeply. And you may also find yourself speaking in a aggressive manner. If you would like me and Spirit to take a deeper look at your life in 2023, please consider booking a private, follow-up reading with me. Email Readings Starting at Only $7 for Members.

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Live! Love! Bark!

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act. George Orwell

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