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saw a house – trying to buy it

Enhanced Member Question and Answer

From: ngxingxizanele Enhanced Member
Submitted: 2022-11-25 11:25

Question: Good day. I saw a house that I like and I am trying to buy it. I just wanted to know if I will qualify to get it and I will be able to sell my current house in time so I do not lose the new one I saw. I really love it. Also are my stars aligned ,is it the right time to make this huge change with the interest rate so high currently.

Answer from da Boss:

Hi, ngxingxizanele!

Spirit feels this is not the right deal for you. She sees problems negotiating with the seller. However, Spirit feels this is the nudge you needed to start looking for a better house.

Your stars aren’t quite aligned yet. Our next Mercury retrograde (Dec 29 – Jan 19) will enter your house of home, and it will come to an opposition to your natal Mercury retrograde. You should find that things fall in place during that time.

Also, Jupiter recently turned direct in your house of marriage and partnerships. If you have a partner and they agree to cosign on the mortgage, Jupiter will increase your chances.

Live! Love! Bark!

“Inspiration comes very slowly and quietly.” Brenda Ueland

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